Hello all,
I am trying to transport the ddesign and configuration objects from my PI system to a PI system on a new server. I have exported all the objects from the old system as tpz files. The Basis hae exported them to the new system.
Now, I could import the design objects into the repository without any problems. However, I am unable to import the configuration objects into the Integration directory.
It is giving me the following error:
Import failed because of business system transfer of object Communication Component
| BS_FPN_TEST: Obligatory transport target for business system BS_FPN_TEST not found in System
Landscape Directory
Import failed because of business system transfer of
object Communication Component | BS_FPN_TEST: Obligatory
transport target for business system BS_FPN_TEST not
found in System Landscape Directory (BS_MAPPING_FAILED_OBJ)
Import failed because of business system transfer of
object Communication Component | BS_FPN_TEST: Obligatory
transport target for business system BS_FPN_TEST not
found in System Landscape Directory (BS_MAPPING_FAILED_OBJ)
Obligatory transport target for business system BS_FPN_TEST
not found in System Landscape Directory (BS_TARGET_NOT_FOUND)
Unable to find associated SLD element for specified
class (source element: SAP_XIIntegrationServer, [CreationClassName,
SAP_XIIntegrationServer, string, Name, IntegrationServer.pid.svdud01,
string], target element class: SAP_BusinessSystem) (SLD_***_NOT_FOUND_EX)
I checked the source and target Business systems in the new SLD and they are present.
Could someone please tell me why am I getting the error?
All usefull answers will be marked.
Many thanks in advance.