The scenario which I am trying to configure is Mainframe(FTP)->PI->FileShare(File). I need to pick the file from mainframe , zip the file and save the file on to file share. The name of the zip file should be as the name of the source file. The steps which I have completed are:
1) Sender- Pick the file from Data set - PI has successfully picked up the file and I have used content conversion to convert the flat file to xml. and the structure looks like <input>
<Record> </Record>
<Record> </Record>
Content Conversion is configured in a such a way that each Record element will hold the record line.
Content conversion is working fine.
2) Receiver Side - Configured Message Transform Bean to convert the Xml to Plain and the paramters I have configured in the Module tab
Message Transform Bean is followed by PayloadZip Bean in order to zip the text file .
While Communication Channel converting the xml to Plain using Message Transfrom Beam.. The channel has ended up with the following error.
"Transmitting the message to endpoint <local> using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.aii.af.sdk.xi.adapter.trans.TransformException: Error converting Message: 'java.lang.Exception: Exception in XML Parser (format problem?):'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.''; nested exception caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception in XML Parser (format problem?):'org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.'
Could you let me know about the fix to resolve the above issue?