Hi All,
Had a doubt in HTTP Receiver Adapter.
We have to invoke an HTTP Service from PI. The HTTP service is hosted on the Vendor server and he has provided us the link for the same.
The service is currently being invoked by an HTTP Form as below.
We need to invoke this from PI using HTTP receiver adapter. I have gone through SDN and found out that we can do it through epilog/prolog of HTTP adapter.
I am not sure on how to invoke this HTTP url.
Please provide me pointers to the correct sol.
<form method="POST" action="http://gis/ias/cgi-bin/siscgi.exe"> <input type="hidden" name="request" value="batch"> <input type="hidden" name="command" value="<requests><request><name>sis_neighbouring_knos_for_sambandh_service</name><buffer>20</buffer><same_premise_kno>123</same_premise_kno><left_kno>331</left_kno><gis_id>4019589</gis_id><priority>same_premise_kno,left_kno,right_kno,gis_id</priority></request></requests>"/> <input type="hidden" name="user_name" value="sambandh.sias"> <input type="hidden" name="password" value="sambandhsias"> <input type="submit" value="HTTP POST"></form>