we have PO 7.40, the ECC has SAP BASIS 7.31 sp06.
I've configured CBMA, error in PI, like mapping error, triggers alert and email is sent.
However no email is sent in case of ABAP proxy error at ECC side. I've configured ALERTING_IS_ACTIVE = 1 and ALERTING_TARGET = 1 in sxmb_adm in ECC.
Since ECC is on 7.31 sp6, the note 1584248 does not apply. In fact, just in case, I've also configured the steps as stated in blog http://scn.sap.com/community/pi-and-soa-middleware/blog/2013/02/26/sap-pi-731-abap-proxy-monitoring-and-alerting-using-cbma.
Anyway, error occurs in abap proxy does not trigger email.
Anyone can shed some light on this issue?