I have the following xml and require this condition to be given in the condition editor of receiver determination.
But it is not working.
(/podPoc/journey/site/task/@taskName = Asset Returns AND /podPoc/journey/site/task/activity/@activityName EX AND /podPoc/journey/site/task/activity/@number EX )
The XML file below
-<task imageNo="TR010000008739B82581B83B0268C187D9A7EBAA15BD140A1819F7675D" taskEndTime="2016-01-03T02:56:59.827" taskStartTime="2016-01-03T02:56:46.070" taskName="Asset Deliveries">
<activity number="2.000" text="" activityName="BB Basket"/>
The receiver should be determined if the task name ='Asset Deliveries' and has values in activity number/text/activityname. Sometimes the attribute might not come or be empty.
Let me know whether these can be handled via condition editor else i might need to create enhanced RD via mapping.